Information-enabled services are the backbone of all major sectors like banking, any business, education, medical, etc.
In the following article, you will come to know about different types of ITeS and also about a few famous companies which provide these services.
Types and uses of Information Technology Enabled Services
IT-enabled services (ITeS)
IT-enabled services are those services that use information technology for its working and improve the productivity of that organization that uses it. There are many other names for this service such as web services, remote services, and teleworking.
It is generally used to increase the business, its main feature is to provide more and more profit to any business.
Business support application
This is the support provided to improve the business, the work of these applications is to find out the loose points of any company.
There are experts who use these applications and do an analysis of all the work performed by the company and see which area is lacking and also provide the solution which ultimately increases the business of any company.
Types of applications that can be used are Luciphone, Lagman, Evernote, etc.
Internet management
Internet management is another component of the information technology-enabled service. The IT companies provide the internet and manage it too.
In a small home, you can not find any big problem regarding the internet but in big companies or places where the requirement of the internet is huge, there can be many problems if the internet is not maintained.
There is much software which internet provider companies use to maintain the internet.
This service is used by all the sectors as all sectors need the internet to do their work.
Some internet management software is PRTG (Paessler Internet Monitoring) software, Solarwinds Pingdom software, etc.
This is one of the main components of it. It is the basic facility for any company and the IT sector makes communication very easy and very cheap and also the maintenance of communication is done by the information technology sector only.
BPO (Business process outsourcing), LPO (legal process outsourcing ), and KPO (Knowledge process outsourcing) use this type of service for their communication purposes.
Monitoring anything in the way
The infrastructure needed to monitor anything which you want to monitor such as online ordered food or any book is made by IT companies and also maintained by these companies. Companies like Amazon, Flipkart, logistics, Swiggy, etc. use these types of services so that their customers can monitor and track their orders.
Accounting related work
If you are maintaining an account of your home, it is easy but, if you are handling a big system like multiple interconnected companies is an example of a big system, then you need a sophisticated system to do the task, these systems are also made and maintained by information technology experts.
Account maintenance is needed by all the companies, this service is used by all the companies to maintain their account.
Websites making and management
Today there is no company that does not have any website. All the work of making a website to maintain it and doing SEO for it and much more, all is done by IT experts and this service is also included in it.
All the business-related company weather must need a web presence to grow their business so small business and large business companies make their website and use these services to make and maintain their website.
Banking work
Banking is a very vast sector and works in banking are very different and it is difficult to maintain an account of millions of people, bank transactions, and all other work that is performed by the bank. To get rid of all the problems banks use to hire an information technology company to make such a system to do all the work required for banks with all the security required for the banking work.
All banks like SBI, PNB, ICICI, etc. use these services for their work.
The following are a few main ITeS companies
Tata consultancy services:
It is one of the biggest consultancy services in India which provides one of the best IT services all over the world. The older name of this company is the TATA computer system.
It is the first Indian company to reach the 100 billion $ mark in the year 2018, it has many branches in India and all over the world.
Genpact India private limited: It stands for Generating business impact, It is an American based company and has a branch in India. This is also a great company and a very advanced one, now this company uses AI (artificial intelligence ) for this work. It can also provide all the advanced features to companies which are necessary to run companies.
Infosys: It is an Indian company that mainly works in the southern part of the country, and is very famous in India. It can also provide the Artificial intelligent facility and facilities required for the banking sector. It is now a global company and a huge consultancy company of its own.
Goldstone Technologies It is also a famous company in south India that provides IT services. It is mainly famous for providing services like business analytics services and business intelligence services. It mainly works for those companies which have to enhance their business and Goldstone Technology uses various software to point out the mistakes of the business companies and also provide the solution to them.
GSS infotech: It is a famous company and also American-based which usually delivers facilities like Cloud computing, application management, remote infrastructure management, etc.
It has provided its facilities to various sectors like healthcare, media, manufacturing, etc.
Conclusion: In this article, I have discussed Information technology-enabled services. I hope you got all the information which I have shared with you.