URL structuring is the way to properly make your URL so that it is easy to read it by both search engine and reader, in this article I have discussed ways to structure your URL in detail and to properly optimize it and how it can affect the SEO ranking of your page.
What are the URL and their structuring in SEO?
URL: Uniform resource locator is also known as a web address and as the name suggests it is the address of a webpage of any website. If the URL is the home page of any website then it is called Domain name.
You put the URL of any web page on any search engine (e.g. Google, Bing, etc.) and search it then the search engine opens the desired web page.
The URL should be properly structured if you want to optimize your web page.
The following are some ways that explain how to properly structure a URL.
1: Use keywords: Always use keywords in your URL because it makes it easy for search engine crawlers to identify the topics of your web page with ease.
2: Follow the hierarchy: Your URL should follow the hierarchy of your topics and readability to users should be good for example. If your topic is food in which you have described types of food and your last topic is fruit so your URL should follow a hierarchy like food/types/fruit but can’t be food/fruit/types of food.
3:Keep it short: Keep your URL as short as possible, to do it, avoid prepositions and conjunction, and also do not use extra words on your uniform resource locator.
4: Keep your it simple: You should use your URL very simple and it should carry different sign and signals etc.
5: Avoid unnecessary use of hashes: If there is no need to use a hashtag so do not use it but you should use a hashtag if it is necessary.
6: Be aware of case sensitivity: If your URL carries letters like ABC or Abc so hosts like Linux are very sensitive read it as a different thing this is known as case sensitivity, so you should take care of it.
7: Use Hyphen not underscore: It is good to use a hyphen and not an underscore to separate two different words present in your URL.
Use a single domain and subdomain; Try to organize your URL in a single domain and subdomain.
How to create an SEO friendly URL?
The following are some steps to make SEO friendly URL
Domain should be of high level: This step is very important to optimize your page so you should choose the right domain of high level. Few examples of high level domains are, .com, .in, .gov etc.
https is best to use: Use https rather than http as https is safe to use because its security is much more than http.
Use small letters, not capital letters: The small letters are better to use rather than capital letters for better optimization as using capital letters can give error 404 if searched by anyone.
Not use stop words: Words like an, or, a, but, etc. are called stop words and you should avoid using these words in your URL.
Limit your folder to two: For one URL use, a maximum of two folders, not more than that as more folders are not considered as good for optimization.
Make it readable: Make it simple and easy to read and short URL so that anyone can read it quickly and can know what is the topic of your content with ease because if it is tough to read it so nobody will click it.
Avoid keyword stuffing: You should put your keyword in your URL but avoid stuffing of keywords, so you can use a maximum of 2 keywords to avoid keyword stuffing.
How does URL structure affect ranking?
The structure of the URL drastically affects the ranking of the web page. It can increase and also decrease the ranking of your web page.
If your URL’s structure is properly made and also if you have optimized it correctly so it helps your page to get a higher rank but if you have not followed the optimization steps and also not made the proper structure of your URL so it will rank down your web page.
Although all steps are important keywords and length are considered to be the main features to consider while making the URL so useless keyword and make it short to get better ranking.
In simple words, if you will follow the steps which are discussed above then it will drastically increase the SERP ranking of your web page.
Conclusion: In the above article I have discussed URL, its structure, how to make it SEO friendly, and how its structure affects SEO ranking.