A blog is any content published on a website by any person on a regular basis, in the given article we will discuss some easy methods by which you can increase the traffic (or visitors) on your blog with ease.

The following are some simple methods to increase the traffic on your blog.

  1. The niche should be clear:

To write a blog first thing to do is to make it clear about the topic in which you have to write. Niche is the vast topic in which you will write your topic. 

Basically, Niche is the topic in which you will love to write and generally you also have some knowledge about it.

For example, if you love to travel very much and you can write about traveling so your niche can be traveling.

To write a blog you should clear your niche and then write it otherwise you can get bored if you write on that topic which you don’t love to write and it becomes tough to maintain your blog further. 
2.Try to Know your audience: If your niche is clear then try to know about the audience of your blog, try to know what your audience wants to know and also what things they want to prefer to read about the niche and then write those things which they want to read the most.

  For example, if you are writing about traveling and you are writing about how to reach a particular destination but your audience wants to know the best places to visit that destination then your bogging will not work.

You should take care of the needs of your audience too, to increase visitors on your blog.

3.Make your content as best as possible:

If you want evergreen traffic on your blog then making quality content is a must thing to do.

Taking the example of a restaurant, if you open a restaurant and offering dishes in very less amount and also promote your restaurant to as many people as possible after that if someone comes to your restaurant then the only possibility to which make the customer visit to your customer again is the quality of the food made in your restaurant 

Similarly, If you have promoted your blog to many people and someone visits your blog then he/she will come to visit your blog if you write relevant content.

4. Try to write SEO friendly content:

SEO (search engine optimization) friendly content means to write content in such a way that it becomes optimized.

To understand this point first you have to understand SEO, SEO is a process by which you promote your website to get a better SERP rank without paying.

By doing proper SEO a website gets a rank on the first page on any search engine ( e.g. Google ) which helps to get organic results on the website similarly making your content friendly to SEO helps your blog to get organic results on your blog.

5.More writing more benefit:

To write a blog you should not write small blogs, more words will make you a good blogger. You should explain each and everything about your blog in detail. Try to write 1000 words on average.

You also should write more often, more often you write, more chance it will there to enhance visitors on your blog.

6.Make eye-catching heading: 

 Make the heading of your blog very attractive so that everyone gets attracted and wants to read your whole blog.

Write your heading in such a way that it covers all the things which you have described in your blog and also it should be as short as possible.

7.Use a suitable picture :

Pictures are very important for describing anything you should put relevant on your blog, it makes your blog more attractive and also pics make it easy for anyone to understand more about your content.

8. Use relevant videos: 

You can use a suitable video to make your blog more interesting and attractive. If anyone visits your blog and sees the video then not only makes an impression to the visitor but also retains the visitor on your blog for a longer time which helps your blog to get a better rank in SERP that is search engine result pages.

9. Promotion of yours should be must:

 The promotion of your blog is a very important process. Let’s take an example of a newly opened restaurant, suppose you opened a restaurant and you have put all your effort to make the best dishes at a relevant price and managed it and also your restaurant is very neat and clean, then also, if nobody knows about your restaurant then you can’t get any customers. 

So to get customers you should promote your restaurant in all possible ways to reach as many people as possible to get some costumes.

Similarly, If you have written the best and attractive blog then also it needs a great promotion to get traffic on it.

The following are some ways to promote your blog:

a) Promotion by social media: Do social media promotion by putting links to your content on your social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. by this many people can visit your blog, and also you can ask your friends to share your blog’s link to as many people as possible.

 b) Invest in your promotion: To promote your blog you can invest some amount to the social media platform like Facebook, by investing your promotion will become rapid and too many more people which finally help to gain visitors on your website.

c) email promotion: For your promotion, you can send the topic and link of your blog to many people and if anyone is interested in it, he/she will visit your blog, and hence visitors to your blog increase.

10. Make your blog mobile-friendly:

Make your blog mobile-friendly, write in such a way that if anyone has to open your blog on mobile then also there should not be any problem to open it.

To make your content mobile-friendly you should use images that have a small size and dimension of the image also should be suitable so that it can be fully visible on mobile.

It is important to make your blog mobile-friendly because many visitors don’t use computers so mobile-friendly blogs will help to increase the traffic on your blog.

11.Link building helps: 

To get more traffic and also to retain traffic on your blog you should make a backlink (these are the links by which anyone can click on the anchor text of other websites and automatically reach on your website) and internal links (the links present on a page of your website by clicking anyone reaches another page of your website).

By creating these links traffic can come on your blog from other websites as well as from your website too.

It also helps to retain visitors on your website for a longer time.

Conclusion: In the above, I have described some methods to increase the traffic on your blog. I hope you understand all the things discussed in the above article.