Content Writing is said to be a skill but actually, it is an art to make anyone read your content by making it interesting and attractive.

 Good content is interesting, easy to understand, reader-friendly, and carries all the information about the topic on which it is written. Further, we will discuss all the ins and out of the content, some types of it, and the benefits of becoming a content writer.

What is content writing?

It is a skill to write any content in a fantastic way so that if anyone reads it then that person easily understands all the things in the content, the reader does not get bored by reading it, and also the reader wants to read your further content.

It is not to copy-paste anything from here to there. It is actually a way to put anything in your words to attract as many readers as you can to read your content.

Following are some different types of content :

1.White paper content: It is a type that contains lots of information about any particular thing. It does not contain any extra thing or any story, just lots of information about anything.
2.Long-form content: This is a type, that is basically made for the subscribers, as this content has continuity. For example, if you are writing something about Chemistry then you can end the topic by saying something like for the next topic wait for the next update, and hence your long-form content is created and it goes on and on for a long time.

It is generally free and available online to all.

3.E-book content: Generally e-books are electronic versions of any book which has physical existence. Many people want to read these books but do not have any way to get a physical copy of these books so making electronic versions of such books can be helpful to provide these books to needy people by the online medium. These are generally made in pdf form so that they can be transferred easily.

Nowadays there are content writers who are directly writing ebooks i.e. they write their content directly to the e-book and make it work. Many companies hire these types of content writers to write an e-book for them.

4. Case study content: As the name suggests, before writing this type of content, first you have to take a deep knowledge of that particular thing (or situation) on which you are going to write. 

Many statistics should be provided on the content in support of it. It requires lots of research and homework to write about something to make it look like a case study. There is lots of demand to write case studies on various topics and you can earn lots of money by making careen of this.

5. Content for a blog: If you are writing for a blog then you have to write for a blog on a regular basis so these types of content need great writing skills and knowledge of that topic in which you are writing a blog.

To write a blog for any website a content writer should take off many things, for example, sharing a blog regularly, interlinking the content, using keywords in content, etc.

Blogs are helpful to attract and engage the traffic on any website so the demand of content writers for a blog is very high

6. Video content: Content can be video too, a video content is a type in which you have to make a video related to the topic and you should put it in that platform for which you are making the content.

For example, all videos you use to see on YouTube are types of video content.

7. Press release Content:  It is a type of content writing in which any organizations make press releases of their future work for e.g. government use to make press releases of some important orders which is going to apply. These releases are short and precise. This type of release is also made by content writers.

The advantage of becoming a content writer

Following are some examples to become a content writer:

A. You can make a career as a Freelancer: Freelancers are those persons who work for many companies at a time by working from their home (or by any other place) on their computer with an internet connection.  There are many companies who hire such freelancers for their different works, content writing is one of such work, so if you are a content writer then you can also take work from different companies and do their work and can make a good amount of money.

There are many platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer in which you can make your profile as a content writer, and get work related to your skill and make money.

B. You Can do an internship: If you want to work with your studies going and you are not perfect to write any content then taking an internship is a good option for you, you can do an internship for any newspaper or any magazine.

These internships can be either online or offline, you can write columns for any newspaper or magazines and when you become an expert to write these columns then your article will be published and you can write for famous newspapers and magazines and can earn money.

C. You can work as an SEO content writer: If you are a content writer, then you can learn skills to make SEO friendly content, and then you can become an SEO content writer. 

Many companies want SEO friendly content for their website so they hire writers who can write SEO friendly content. 

Skill up your writing and earn money by becoming an SEO content writer.

D. You can become a blogger: You can become a blogger and can make money by blogging, if you are a good content writer then you can start your own blog. 

You can start writing blogs on any topic you want and make money by various methods with help of your blog.
E. You can become a proofreader: A proofreader is a person who reads any content and sees any error is there in content or not.

The proofreader reads to find the error in content and also correct it. If you are an experienced writer then you have the knowledge of the content and you can make a career in proofreading and earn money.
F. You can become an editor: If you are a good content writer then you can also become an editor. The job of an editor is to edit any content simply it removes all the poor part of any content and makes the content more attractive.

Many companies use to give a handsome salary to their editors so if you can write great content that means you know what part to be edited from any content to make it more attractive and interesting so after becoming a content writer, you can become an editor and can make money.

Conclusion: In the above article I have discussed content writing, its types, and benefits. I hope you have understood all the points which have been discussed above.